Saturday, March 27, 2021

League of Kingdoms (Part One)

Do you like an MMO strategy game that is somewhat medieval-like, requires the constant training of infantries, archers and cavalries, involves the upgrading of structures and technology in your kingdom, needs you to band together into a strong alliance to fend or ward off potential hostiles, demands political tact with sprinkles of maneuverings, negotiations, intrigue and plenty of drama, and on top of all that contains a layer of cryptocurrency and blockchain tech?

You do? Then you should totally get a load of this game, League of Kingdoms.

League of Kingdoms

Do take note that if winning or losing isn’t on your mind and you don’t care about being bullied at all, this game can be pretty chill and relaxing to play with. However, should you desire to be competitive or THE “top dog” in this, it will be very exhausting, time-consuming and perhaps even burn a hole in your pocket.

In addition to that, this game is highly repetitive, so much so that once you get past a certain stage, after the initial "freshness and glam" of the game is gone, you will find that you are practically doing the same stuff week in and week out (just like clockwork).

You have been warned.

Setting Up of the Game

League of Kingdoms - LoginLeague of Kingdoms - Login By Email

Creating a game account in League of Kingdoms is a fairly simple process. All you need is an existing Google, Apple or Facebook account and you are pretty much all set. Alternatively, should you not desire to use these accounts for games, you can still go for the traditional method of using an email login and password.

You can either opt to play the game in your browser or you can log into it via installing an app on your phone. Both ways are fine (and relatively bug free), but in my opinion, it will primarily have to depend on whether you are stationary (with a PC near you at all times) or always on the move.

Oh, and as I’m more of a PC gamer, I shall be using the browser version to teach you the ins and outs of this game. Hopefully, the mobile phone app version shouldn’t be too far off from this.

League of Kingdoms - Kingdom NamingLeague of Kingdoms - Under Attack

Anyway, upon logging into the game for the first time, what you will encounter is a descriptive text setting the flavor of the game and a box to key in the name of your kingdom. This name is sort of like a handle and is supposed to be how other players can identify your kingdom by.

However, as it can be changed quite easily via a “name change ticket”, it kindda defeats its purpose and some sneaky players have been known to use it to do quick hits, a random teleport and then a name change to avoid getting caught (and you’ll have to employ other more tedious means to identify this aggressor).

After naming your kingdom, you will be shown some kind of animation with your weak and tiny kingdom being surrounded by many monsters and under attack. Various strong looking kingdoms will then proceed to teleport in and rescue you. And upon doing so, they will then exit the scene (just as quickly) and you’ll be thrown into the actual tutorial.


League of Kingdoms - Clickfest TutorialLeague of Kingdoms - Construct Farm

For this part, there isn’t really anything interesting and what you will have to put up with is just a primitive, clickfest tutorial affixed with some text that doesn’t really teach you much (and you can’t do anything else except to follow as instructed).

Some quick showing of how to construct new buildings, upgrade them, the training of some troops as well as making use of your academy to research new tech and you are pretty much fed to the sharks (so to speak), left to sink or swim on your own.

Not to worry though, whatever that the tutorial had failed to teach you, I will do my best to explain them in my coming posts so do stay tuned…