Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Five Years Hiatus

Its pretty frightening how a decision to temporarily suspend my gaming hobby (due to IRL problems) would have, in the blink of an eye, resulted in a five year vacuum on my blog.

But now that things have gotten better for me and I have decided to once again pick it back up, I'm now faced with a nasty problem...

How do I continue from where I've left off? 😓

Since it has been so long, whatever that I may have had in my drafts are no longer useful and outdated. Whatever style, fonts, paragraphing arrangements and tempo that I had back then...are now long lost, cold and dead.

Would I be able to get it all back after some time? Or would it be gone forever? That...I do not know. One can only hope that it will.

So in the meantime, do allow me to apologize for the hiatus as well as for the time I will now take to get things back into gear.

Thank you.
