Friday, April 23, 2021

League of Kingdoms (Part Two)

Game Interface To know your way around this game, you must first of all get accustomed to these two “views”, the internal “Kingdom View” and the external “Field View”. The Kingdom View is where you will manage all of the important structures of your kingdom. It is here that you can build and upgrade structures using the resources that you’ve gathered or produced. Some of these structures are unique and cannot be shifted or demolished, like the “Academy”, “Castle”, “Treasure House”, “Hospital”, “Hall of Alliance”, “Storage”, “Trading Post”, “Wall” and “Watch Tower”. Others can be freely built in numbers and/or taken down for the slightest...

Saturday, March 27, 2021

League of Kingdoms (Part One)

Do you like an MMO strategy game that is somewhat medieval-like, requires the constant training of infantries, archers and cavalries, involves the upgrading of structures and technology in your kingdom, needs you to band together into a strong alliance to fend or ward off potential hostiles, demands political tact with sprinkles of maneuverings, negotiations, intrigue and plenty of drama, and on top of all that contains a layer of cryptocurrency and blockchain tech? You do? Then you should totally get a load of this game, League of Kingdoms. Do take note that if winning or losing isn’t on your mind and you don’t care about being bullied...

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