
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Call of Thrones: Points of Interest by City (Level 16 to Level 20)

Suncity (Level 18)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 10
Tree StumpAverage Tree Stump
Fine Timber
Fir Wood
Common Timber
MinePrecious Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Palladium Ore
Titanium Ore
Old MineAverage Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Bronze Ore
Brass Ore
Outer City WaypointHouse Draco's Remnant Camp
Draco's Army Deserter (Lv 16) Few
Draco's Elite (Lv 18) Few
Draco's Commander (Lv 19) Rare
Deserter Captain (Lv 17) Rare
Outdoor CaveStrange Bird Nest
Rainbow Bird (Lv 18) Few
Exotic Bird (Lv 18) Few
Strange Bird King (Lv 19) Few
Crystal MineCommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Fir Wood
5000 Common Timber
West CityRotynneArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
TiacullCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
UireiCity Guard Captain
Inner CityAenuChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
BoaphySupport Skills Trainer
JassWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
QuobreaWandering Alchemist
UiyinWarehouse Management
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady WuFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityGepheGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
HajocMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
IadaetTavern Owner
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
OucalliWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
SennalnorInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsMineAverage Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Palladium Ore
Old MinePrecious Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Brass Ore
Cuprite Ore
ShrubsCommon Herb Shrub
Castor Bean
Outer City WaypointHouse Axiom Camp
Axiom's Armsman (Lv 18) Few
Axiom's Soldier (Lv 17) Few
Lord Axiom's Sentry (Lv 17) Few
Crystal MineAverage Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
Outer City WaypointHouse Axiom Main Camp
Axiom's Elite (Lv 18) Normal
Axiom's Commander (Lv 19) Few

Kish (Level 19)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 11
Tree StumpAverage Tree Stump
Fine Timber
Fir Wood
Common Timber
MinePrecious Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Palladium Ore
Titanium Ore
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Outdoor WaypointAlliance Spy Hideout
Blamal's Spy (Lv 19) Few
Bryti's Scout (Lv 19) Few
Spy Master (Lv 19) Few
Old MineAverage Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Bronze Ore
Brass Ore
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Ginseng
3000 Magic Mushroom
West CityYaldraArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
SladeviCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
AiviCity Guard Captain
Inner CityCulledoChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
EneiSupport Skills Trainer
EvafabiWeapon Skills Trainer
OvadaWandering Alchemist
UicyllWarehouse Management
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady IanFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityCossGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
FyldenMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
KipyTavern Owner
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
OsattasWeapons Merchant
Dry WellRaci
Flower Pebble Few
Crushed Ore Few
Family Heirloom (Quest Item) Few
* Each time you search the well, 5 SP is consumed.
AetamInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsOld MinePrecious Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Brass Ore
Cuprite Ore
MineAverage Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Palladium Ore
Crystal MineAverage Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine

Uruk (Level 20)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 12
Tree StumpAverage Tree Stump
Fine Timber
Fir Wood
Common Timber
MinePrecious Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Palladium Ore
Titanium Ore
Outer City WaypointBrutus Alliance Camp
Blamal's Elite (Lv 19) Few
General Bryti's Elite (Lv 19) Few
Bryti's Captain (Lv 20) Rare
Blamal's Captain (Lv 20) Rare
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Old MineAverage Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Bronze Ore
Brass Ore
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 White Snake Grass
5000 Tigers Rod
West CityLeighsenArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
RiverganCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
ElannCity Guard Captain
Inner CityJadestelChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
JorbrieSupport Skills Trainer
YanonWeapon Skills Trainer
MelyanWandering Alchemist
Lady LeonWarehouse Management
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady ZulFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityShanziGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
BraidynMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
CasianTavern Owner
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
DeneyWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsOld MinePrecious Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Brass Ore
Cuprite Ore
MineAverage Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Palladium Ore
Outdoor CaveHungry Wolf Cave
Hungry Wild Wolf (Lv 20) Common
Wolfpack Leader (Lv 21) Few
Crystal MineAverage Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Outer City StockadesSavage Front Guard
Savage Warrior (Lv 20) Normal
Savage Captain (Lv 20) Normal