
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Call of Thrones: Points of Interest by City (Level 11 to Level 15)

Southhill (Level 11)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 5
MineAverage Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Palladium Ore
Old MineCommon Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Copper Ore
Bronze Ore
Suburban WaypointSouthern Bandit Camp
Bandit Henchman (Lv 10) Normal
Elite Bandit Scout (Lv 11) Normal
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Suburban WaypointSouthern Bandit Main Camp
Bandit Guard (Lv 11) Common
Bandit Leader (Lv 12) Rare
Crystal MineCommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Border TabletDaily Output
300 Palladium Ingot
18 Brass Bar
West CityChirrArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
CriocaiCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
EotrCity Guard Captain
Inner CityIcouChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
TrinionSupport Skills Trainer
AuneinWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
DaralnorWandering Alchemist
IozyWarehouse Management
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady LouisFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityChegreGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
EodorMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
SoronTavern Owner
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
CetienWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
UadeviInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpCommon Tree Stump
Common Timber
Fine Timber
Low-grade Timber
MineCommon Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Iron Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Suburban WaypointHouse Draco's Lobbyists Camp
Lobbyists Guard (Lv 11) Common
Draco's Lobbyist (Lv 12) Rare
Old MineAverage Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Bronze Ore
Brass Ore
ShrubsCommon Herb Shrub
Castor Bean
Outer City CaveWilderness Cave
Bloodthirsty Ape (Lv 12) Few
Ape Guard (Lv 12) Few
Ape Champion (Lv 13) Rare

Wyl (Level 12)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 6
MineAverage Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Palladium Ore
Suburban WaypointHouse Draco's Messenger Camp
Messenger Guard (Lv 12) Common
Draco's Messenger (Lv 12) Few
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Old MineCommon Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Copper Ore
Bronze Ore
ShrubsCommon Herb Shrub
Castor Bean
Border TabletDaily Output
240 Iron Ingot
240 Copper Ingot
West CityIrrisArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
StelaigCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
OidwoCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
AesealWeapons Merchant
Inner CityTyroChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
ZysilMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady SunFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityEacamoGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
Lady KonTavern Owner
AdratianoWarehouse Management
LaebrWandering Alchemist
OidwoSupport Skills Trainer
YaleasWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
JaganInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsOld MineAverage Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Bronze Ore
Brass Ore
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Suburban WaypointHouse Draco's Camp
Household Guard (Lv 12) Common
Draco's General (Lv 13) Rare
Crystal MineCommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
MineCommon Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Iron Ore
Pure Iron Ore

Ironshore (Level 13)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 7
MineAverage Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Palladium Ore
Suburban WaypointHouse Draco's Army Camp
Draco's Scout (Lv 14) Normal
Draco's Bladesman (Lv 13) Normal
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Old MineCommon Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Copper Ore
Bronze Ore
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Outdoor CavePlagued Locust Cave
Small Locust (Lv 14) Few
Mutated Locust (Lv 14) Few
Locust Queen (Lv 15) Few
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Mugwort
3000 Tigers Rod
2000 Ginseng
West CityLady ZiArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
AidahaniCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
CylosseCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
PhysorWeapons Merchant
Inner CityRyneChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
UacalMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
Dry WellShadow Moon Well
Flower Pebble Few
Crushed Ore Few
Heart Lock (Quest Item) Few
* Each time you search the well, 5 SP is consumed.
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady FenFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityAitrixGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
BriastelTavern Owner
Lady FongWarehouse Management
DeinuWandering Alchemist
IandiraSupport Skills Trainer
OsisWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpCommon Tree Stump
Common Timber
Fine Timber
Low-grade Timber
Old MineAverage Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Bronze Ore
Brass Ore
ShrubsCommon Herb Shrub
Castor Bean
Suburban WaypointDraco's Main Camp
Draco's Elite Scout (Lv 14) Normal
Draco's Captain (Lv 14) Few
Crystal MineCommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard

Longsand (Level 14)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTree StumpCommon Tree Stump
Common Timber
Fine Timber
Low-grade Timber
MineAverage Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Palladium Ore
Old MineCommon Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Copper Ore
Bronze Ore
Outer City WaypointNortheastern Army Camp
Lobbyist's Bodyguard (Lv 15) Common
Northern Lobbyist (Lv 16) Rare
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Crystal MineCommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
Suburban CaveCursed Savage Cave
Cursed Barbarian (Lv 15) Common
Border TabletDaily Output
4000 Castor Bean
4000 Blood Vine
West CityAlittanArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
EssanCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
GedanaCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
GlolialWeapons Merchant
FelixInscription Merchant
Inner CityAusynneChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
LienMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady SunFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityTyrant TycusGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
FanecTavern Owner
Lady FongWarehouse Management
LydauWandering Alchemist
JufalSupport Skills Trainer
RialanWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
East OutskirtsOld MineAverage Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Bronze Ore
Brass Ore
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
MineCommon Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Iron Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 8
ShrubsCommon Herb Shrub
Castor Bean
Suburban WaypointWestern Army
Desert Tribesman (Lv 14) Few
Bladesman Guard (Lv 14) Few
Desert Tribesman Chief (Lv 15) Few

Foxville (Level 15)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsCrystal MineCommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
Old MineAverage Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Bronze Ore
Brass Ore
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Outer City WaypointBarbarian Front Village
Barbarian Warrior (Lv 15) Normal
Barbarian Captain (Lv 16) Few
Outer City WaypointBarbarian Back Village
Barbarian Guard (Lv 16) Few
Barbarian Elite Guard (Lv 16) Few
Barbarian Chief (Lv 17) Rare
Outer City WaypointBlack Bear Cave
Ferocious Black Bear (Lv 15) Common
Barbarian Beast Tamer (Lv 16) Few
ShrubsCommon Herb Shrub
Castor Bean
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Tigers Rod
300 Magic Mushroom
West CityIaridArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
KriforCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
AiviCity Guard Captain
Inner CityStaneatChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
TeroiSupport Skills Trainer
EiliolWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
HelindirWandering Alchemist
UicyllWarehouse Management
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady SunFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CitySoutraGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
SrilyMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
HayaTavern Owner
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
OsattasWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpCommon Tree Stump
Common Timber
Fine Timber
Low-grade Timber
MineAverage Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Iron Ore
Palladium Ore
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Outer City WaypointWaste Rock Village
Foxville Bandit (Lv 16) Normal
Bandit Elite (Lv 16) Few
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 9