
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Call of Thrones: Points of Interest by City (Level 31 to Level 35)

Northlake (Level 31)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTree StumpPrecious Tree Stump
Fir Wood
Iron Fir
Fine Timber
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
MinePrecious Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Palladium Ore
Titanium Ore
Outdoor CampNortheastern Army Camp
Northeastern Grunt (Lv 31) Few
Commando (Lv 31) Few
Infantry Commander (Lv 32) Rare
Old MinePrecious Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Brass Ore
Cuprite Ore
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Blood Vine
4000 Tigers Rod
West CityIanochelleArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
IdeidCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
AllarniCity Guard Captain
Inner CityKararniChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
OnaSupport Skills Trainer
OssessWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
HelindirWandering Alchemist
UicyllWarehouse Management
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady SighFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityGold JadeGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
TwirnMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
AebTavern Owner
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
IceWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 28
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Crystal MinePrecious Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard

Myr (Level 31)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 23
Tree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Outer City StockadesHouse Zaxian Remnant Camp
Zaxian's Deserter (Lv 30) Common
Remnant Troop Sergeant (Lv 31) Few
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Border TabletDaily Output
5000 Iron Ore
3000 Pure Iron Ore
West CityAedetianoArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
AvitteCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
EssalCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
IonWeapons Merchant
Inner CityAusaerChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
YsanSupport Skills Trainer
EashenWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
IojaneWandering Alchemist
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady SheFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityJaniriGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
RonaerMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
SiseTavern Owner
Lady LouisWarehouse Management
Dry WellDry Well
ShanielInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpPrecious Tree Stump
Fir Wood
Iron Fir
Fine Timber
Old MineMythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Uranium Ore
Mythril Ore
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Outdoor CaveSnow Wolf Cave
Brutal Snow Wolf (Lv 30) Common
Snow Wolf Leader (Lv 31) Few
Crystal MinePrecious Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard

Pyke (Level 32)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 24
Tree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
Outer City StockadesBandit Leader Forward Camp
Bandit Leader Scout (Lv 31) Common
Bandit Private (Lv 32) Few
Outer City StockadesBandit Leader Elite Camp
Bandit Veteran (Lv 33) Common
Brigand Sergeant (Lv 34) Few
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Border TabletDaily Output
5000 Cloud Grass
3000 White Snake Grass
West CityCeArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
CulCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
EaluCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
MirinWeapons Merchant
Inner CityUnendirChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
AdaldMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady WeFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityAsulGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
Lady KonTavern Owner
AdratianoWarehouse Management
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
DusisWandering Alchemist
ImanSupport Skills Trainer
LiolyinWeapon Skills Trainer
JadestelInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsOld MineMythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Uranium Ore
Mythril Ore
Outer City StockadesHouse Vaurence Camp
Vaurence's Elite (Lv 33) Common
Raging Sergeant (Lv 34) Few
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Outer City StockadesHouse Targathyon Camp
* Could not see *
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore

Newkeep (Level 33)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 25
Tree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
Old MineMythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Uranium Ore
Mythril Ore
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Outer City StockadesMountain Traitor Army Camp
Mountain Traitor (Lv 32) Common
Traitor Leader (Lv 33) Few
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Brass Ore
3000 Bronze Ore
2000 Palladium Ore
West CityIabetArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
IaduCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
OucaroCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
TrerWeapons Merchant
Inner CityUimarChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
AedettMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
EllioWandering Alchemist
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Lady WanFestival Ambassador
Shop DistrictBulletin BoardCapital City Bulletin Board
Legendary Gear TraderGet your purple gear here
Get One Per DayReferral Officer
Epic Armour TraderEpic Vorpal Set
Fashion Upgrade TraderUpgrade your costume
Jewelry Upgrade TraderEpic Vorpal Jewelry
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Token TraderPet/Mount Upgrade
Token TraderRelic Upgrade
Token TraderArtifact Shard
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityIosagGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
Lady ZiWarehouse Management
Dry WellDry Well
UindiTavern Owner
ZirSupport Skills Trainer
WynneldenWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpUncommon Tree Stump
Ancient Timber
Iron Fir
MinePure Titanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Adamantium Ore
Crystal MinePrecious Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
CaveGloomy Cave
Mountain Tiger (Lv 33) Common
Beast Tamer (Lv 34) Few
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore

Tor (Level 34)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 26
Tree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Outdoor CliffBlue Cliff Nest
Blue Giant Bird (Lv 33) Common
Mutated Giant Bird (Lv 34) Few
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Border TabletDaily Output
4000 Blood Vine
4000 Hemp
West CityUdiarArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
FaramondCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
AllarCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
AnniadWeapons Merchant
Inner CityUimarChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
AedettMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
EllioWandering Alchemist
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady SunFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityEromGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
Lady SueWarehouse Management
Dry WellMoon View Well
Flower Pebble Few
Crushed Ore Few
Sacred Animal Statue (Quest Item) Few
* Each time you search the well, 5 SP is consumed.
TenayTavern Owner
TiaselSupport Skills Trainer
CewynWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpUncommon Tree Stump
Ancient Timber
Iron Fir
Old MineMythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Uranium Ore
Mythril Ore
MinePure Titanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Adamantium Ore
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Crystal MinePrecious Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard