
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Call of Thrones: Points of Interest by City (Level 26 to Level 30)

Terra (Level 26)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 18
Tree StumpPrecious Tree Stump
Fir Wood
Iron Fir
Fine Timber
MinePrecious Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Palladium Ore
Titanium Ore
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Outer City StockadesAlliance Main Camp
Alliance Private (Lv 26) Common
Alliance Master Sergeant (Lv 27) Few
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Cuprite Ore
3000 Brass Ore
West CityCairniArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
SeyriCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
SileiCity Guard Captain
CasianTavern Owner
Inner CityTerielChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
WypaSupport Skills Trainer
DrorelWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
EindoraWandering Alchemist
EssolnorWarehouse Management
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady SighFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityIosuiGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
YanarnMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
IodiadWeapons Merchant
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpAverage Tree Stump
Fine Timber
Fir Wood
Common Timber
Old MinePrecious Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Brass Ore
Cuprite Ore
Outer City StockadesZoland Army Camp
General Zoland's Lancer (Lv 27) Few
General Zoland's Captain (Lv 28) Few
Lancer Guard (Lv 27) Few
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Outdoor NestCarnivorous Birds Nest
Carnivorous Bird (Lv 27) Common
Mutated Carnivorous Bird (Lv 28) Few
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Crystal MineAverage Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard

Winterspring (Level 28)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTree StumpPrecious Tree Stump
Fir Wood
Iron Fir
Fine Timber
MinePrecious Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Palladium Ore
Titanium Ore
Outer City WaypointBlack Mountain Army Camp
Black Mountain Scout (Lv 28) Normal
Black Mountain Captain (Lv 29) Few
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Outer City StockadesHouse Kato Army Camp
Lord Kato's Elite (Lv 28) Common
Lord Kato's Private (Lv 29) Few
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Border TabletDaily Output
4000 Cuprite Ore
4000 Brass Ore
West CityIondirArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
IunenCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
LioliolCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
AenainWeapons Merchant
Inner CityYireanChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
CianarnSupport Skills Trainer
EaneilWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
IterWandering Alchemist
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
JitrisFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityOniorGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
IasienMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
LanaWarehouse Management
Dry WellSpring Well
Flower Pebble Few
Crushed Ore Few
Broken Jade Token (Quest Item) Few
* Each time you search the well, 5 SP is consumed.
MaleatTavern Owner
UtliInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpAverage Tree Stump
Fine Timber
Fir Wood
Common Timber
Old MinePrecious Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Brass Ore
Cuprite Ore
Suburban CaveBlack Wind Cave
Blackwind Wolf (Lv 28) Few
Windrider Wolf (Lv 28) Few
Blackwind Tiger (Lv 29) Rare
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 19
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Outer City StockadesYongs Army Camp
Yong's Scout (Lv 28) Common
General Yong's Grunt (Lv 29) Few
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore

Goldash (Level 29)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTree StumpAverage Tree Stump
Fine Timber
Fir Wood
Common Timber
MinePrecious Iron Mine
Crushed Ore
Palladium Ore
Titanium Ore
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Outer City StockadesWhite Horse Army Camp
White Horse Soldier (Lv 29) Normal
White Horse Leader (Lv 29) Few
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Border TabletDaily Output
5000 Palladium Ore
3000 Pure Iron Ore
West CityEiceArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
EositteCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
OindirCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
SairWeapons Merchant
Inner CityTyfChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
AeleSupport Skills Trainer
BerioWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
EarnysWandering Alchemist
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady WuFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityJanacGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
RysatMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
SmarxTavern Owner
Lady SunWarehouse Management
Dry WellDry Well
TadilInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpPrecious Tree Stump
Fir Wood
Iron Fir
Fine Timber
Old MinePrecious Copper Mine
Crushed Ore
Brass Ore
Cuprite Ore
ShrubsAverage Shrub
Tigers Rod
Deadly Nightshade
Blood Vine
Outdoor CampHouse Targathyon Advisory Camp
Advisors Guard (Lv 29) Few
Advisors Servant (Lv 29) Few
Targathyon's Advisor (Lv 30) Rare
Crystal MinePrecious Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
Wild NestApe Nest
Ferocious Ape (Lv 29) Normal
Mutated Giant Ape (Lv 30) Normal
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 20
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore

Southshore (Level 30)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 21
Tree StumpPrecious Tree Stump
Fir Wood
Iron Fir
Fine Timber
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Outer City StockadesHouse Hoalies Army Camp
Hoalies' Elite (Lv 30) Common
Army Private (Lv 31) Few
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Outer City StockadesHouse Targathyon Elite Camp
Targathyon's Elite (Lv 30) Normal
Army Sergeant (Lv 31) Few
Lord Targathyon's Army Master Sergeant (Lv 32) Rare
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Old MineMythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Uranium Ore
Mythril Ore
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Blood Vine
4000 Tigers Rod
West CityChojaArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
IodiadCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
EatisCity Guard Captain
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
InarniWeapons Merchant
Inner CityAusaerChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
MeraeSupport Skills Trainer
ShiretWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
BettandirWandering Alchemist
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady LooFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityDrutarGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
EneanMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
FrameTavern Owner
YilietWarehouse Management
Dry WellDry Well
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Outdoor CaveBig Bear Cave
* Could not see *
Crystal MineRare Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass

Aspen (Level 30)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsMilitary EnvoyMilitary Envoy
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Outdoor CampWearan Army Camp
Savage Grunt (Lv 31) Common
Wearans Leader (Lv 32) Few
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Outer City StockadesYueanen Army Camp
Lord Yueanen's Halberdier (Lv 30) Normal
Grunt Leader (Lv 30) Few
Halberdier Commander (Lv 31) Rare
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Mugwort
3000 Blood Vine
2000 Cloud Grass
West CityIarajArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
IelCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
OvaunWandering Alchemist
UllolnorCity Guard Captain
Inner CityJulianChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
UrijanWeapons Merchant
GatSupport Skills Trainer
RendenWeapon Skills Trainer
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady WanFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityOundirGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
RaphaelMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
EiraidTavern Owner
VutlinWarehouse Management
Dry WellExquisite Well
Flower Pebble Few
Crushed Ore Few
Smokey Water Jade (Quest Item) Few
* Each time you search the well, 5 SP is consumed.
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Crystal MineRare Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Outdoor CampCylliris Army Camp
Lord Cylliri's Elite (Lv 30) Normal
Grunt Private (Lv 31) Few
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 40

Lys (Level 30)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 22
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Outer City StockadesHouse Targathyon Footmen Camp
Targathyon's Footman (Lv 29) Normal
Footman Private (Lv 30) Few
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Outer City StockadesHouse Targathyon Pursuer Camp
Pursuing Army (Lv 30) Normal
Pursuing Private (Lv 31) Few
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Border TabletDaily Output
5000 Fine Timber
3000 Fir Wood
West CityAudaraArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
AunicCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
AyondorCity Guard Captain
KesindorTavern Owner
Inner CityTalnysChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
EtsaSupport Skills Trainer
EvacelloWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
IfioWandering Alchemist
Lady CaoWarehouse Management
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady ZiFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityIosimGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
UinnanMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
UrodraWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
FelixInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpPrecious Tree Stump
Fir Wood
Iron Fir
Fine Timber
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
ShrubsPrecious Herb Shrubs
Water Hemlock
Magic Mushroom
Outer City StockadesHouse Targathyon Bladesmen Camp
Targathyon Bladesman (Lv 30) Normal
Bladesman Private (Lv 31) Few