
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dead Frontier (Part Two)

Inside Outposts
As I've mentioned earlier, navigation within the outposts is in the form of webpages and once you've get the hang of it, its pretty simple.

On the left hand side of the page, there are three major functions, Inventory & Equipment, Messages and My Profile.
Inventory & Equipment

Dead Frontier - Inventory and Equipment
This is the page you would go to when customizing, feeding or healing your character. To feed your character, just click and drag the food item to your character's facial area. Likewise, when healing your character's health yourself, you can just drag the medical item there too.

As you can see in the screenshot, there are six clothing slots and three weapon slots. And as far as I know, the Hat, Coat, Shirt, Trousers and Mask slots are for cosmetic items. These items changes your character's appearance, but offers no protection nor stat boosts.

Armour is the only piece of clothing that actually reduces the amount of damage you receive from weapons or zombies. In exchange, they need to be well-maintained or they will break and become useless. Once an armour is broken, they will no longer absorb damage until they are repaired.

Dead Frontier - Corpse Carapace Armour
There are five pieces of important information you will need to know about regarding armour, durability, damage absorption, strength requirement, engineer level and stat boost.
  • Durability is the amount of damage a piece of armour can take before breaking.
  • Damage absorption is the amount of damage the armour can absorb. It reduces the incoming damage by the shown percentage while the rest of the damage passes through to decrease the character's health.
  • Strength requirement is the amount of strength you will need in order to equip the armour.
  • Engineer level is the minimum required level of the engineer you will need to hire in order to repair the armour.
  • Stat boost shows the amount of stats your character will gain when you equip the armour. The stat bonus will apply for as long as you have the armour equipped regardless of whether it is broken.
Weapons are used to fight the zombies inhabiting Fairview and most survivors use these to rid the streets of any undead they might encounter. Occasionally, however, these said weapons could also be used upon fellow survivors.

Generally, anything that takes up one of your three weapon slots is considered a weapon, but they can be categorized into six different types, melee, pistols, rifles, shotguns, machine guns and explosives (grenade launchers). Most of these weapons, in Dead Frontier, have a certain minimum skill requirement (in the appropriate proficiency) before you can use them. Some high level weapons may also require some amount in Strength too.

Dead Frontier - 577 Rex Rifle
Similar to armour, there are five to eight pieces of important information you will need to know about regarding weapons.
  • Ammo type is the kind of ammunition you will need to have in your inventory in order to use the firearm. These ammunition can be looted from corpses in the Inner City or bought from other players in the marketplace.
  • Round capacity is the number of shots you can fire before needing to reload. Pistols, rifles and shotguns often have a smaller round capacity compared to machine guns.
  • Reload speed is the time taken to reload your firearm. This amount of time can be shortened by increasing your character's Reloading stat. Reloading speed is calculated by the following formula:

    Reload Speed (seconds) = 0.25 + (124 - Reloading) * (Reloading Speed per point)

    Weapon Reloading SpeedReloading Speed per point (seconds)
    Fast Reload Speed~0.02
    Slow Reload Speed~0.03
    Very Slow Reload Speed~0.04

  • Firing/Attack speed shows how fast you can perform an attack using the weapon. This speed is inherent for the weapon and cannot be modified in any way.
    Firing/Attack SpeedShots/Hits per Second
    Very Slow Firing/Attack Speed1
    Slow Firing/Attack Speed1.5
    Average Firing/Attack Speed2
    Fast Firing/Attack Speed3
    Very Fast Firing/Attack Speed8.57
    Super Fast Firing/Attack Speed12
    F***ing Fast! Firing/Attack Speed12.24

  • Accuracy of the weapon reflects the relative ease of hitting a target with the weapon. The more accurate the weapon is, the less amount of stats a player will need to invest in the Accuracy stat in order to achieve a hit.

    Accuracy modifies the greatest angle of error that you can have when you perform an attack. It works pretty similar to the cone principle of a shotgun's spread. The more accuracy that you have, the smaller the spread of your attacks.

    Weapon AccuracyReliable Aim onscreenPerfect Aim onscreen
    Very High Accuracy4060
    High Accuracy6080
    Average Accuracy80100
    Low Accuracy100124
    Very Low/Ultra Low Accuracy124Not Applicable

  • Critical chance shows the probability of performing a critical hit with the weapon. The higher the critical chance of the weapon, the less amount of stats a player will need to invest in the Critical Hit stat in order to achieve a critical hit.

    When a player performs a critical hit, it does 5 times the damage as well as interrupts and knocks back the target. However, as good as it sounds, players must note that even at max Critical Hit, some of your attacks will still not be a critical. This is because the maximum chance to perform a critical hit caps at 80% for weapons capable of reaching this level and different weapons have specific critical hit rate caps.

    Weapon Critical Hit ChanceCritical Hit Rate CapPoints in Critical Hit to Reach Cap
    Very High Critical Chance80%80
    High Critical Chance80%112
    Low Critical Chance20%124
    Very Low Critical Chance4%124
    Very Low Critical Chance (Miniguns)2%124

  • Skill requirement shows the amount of points to be invested in the given proficiency in order to equip and use the weapon.
  • Stat boost shows the amount of stats your character will gain when you equip the weapon. The stat bonus will apply for as long as you have the weapon placed in one of the three weapon slots.
As for inventory space, every character first starts out with 14 item slots, but as you progress in level, you will gain four additional slots at levels 10, 20, 35 and 50 (which means a total of 30 item slots once you've reached Level 50). Each item you loot takes up one of your precious item slots. As for ammunition, however, they can be stacked up to a certain amount depending on their type. When you've used up all your inventory slots, you will no longer be able to acquire any new items until you have freed up some space in your inventory.

This is the place where you would visit to read private messages that other players have sent you as well as send your own to others. Additionally, automated messages informing you of the sale of your items in the marketplace will also be sent here as well.

My Profile

Dead Frontier - My Profile
On this page, you can see the stats of your character as well as alter your account and profile settings. It works pretty much like what you would have on a normal forum account.

Dead Frontier - Nastya's Holdout
The Arena is a place where you can freely fight against fellow survivors without having to worry about maintenance costs. When you die or leave the arena, your health and armour are restored back to their previous conditions prior to when you've entered. You also do not lose any cash or experience when you die. The Arena purely exists to allow people to have fun PvPing with others and refine their PvP skills.


Dead Frontier - Bank
This is the place where you store the cash you've looted off corpses while scavenging in the Inner City. In addition, the cash you've gotten from selling stuff on the marketplace will automatically be placed in the bank as well. However, unlike the pre-outbreak banks, these will no longer give you interests for keeping your cash with them. Do note that your cash in the bank is linked and you can access it from any of the four outposts.

Gambling Den

Dead Frontier - Gambling Den
In the gambling den, you can wager your hard-earned cash for a chance of doubling it. All you have to do is find the Queen amongst the two jacks after the three cards are shuffled face down.

In my opinion, you should not bother with this feature at all, for it is almost impossible to visually keep track of the Queen's location as the cards overlap each other. Your chance of doubling your wager is at best one-third.


Dead Frontier - Marketplace BuyingDead Frontier - Marketplace Selling
The marketplace is where players can buy, sell or trade stuff that they have looted in the Inner City with other fellow survivors. It has three separate tabs for each of the above-mentioned activity.

To buy, you can either press the arrows to choose a category or type in the search bar to search for the particular item that you want. To sell, you can just click and drag the item from your inventory to the selling box area. A pop up window will appear for you to put a price in. Be sure to look at the price on the marketplace first before you sell the item or else you might end up selling lower or higher than the normal price.

To trade, you will need to go to a player's profile and click on the trade button that appears in there. You will then be directed to the private section tab in the marketplace. In there, you will see box areas labelled as Incoming and Outgoing Offers. All you have to do is to drag the item that you wish to trade to the Outgoing Offers and place a price on the pop up window that appears.

Another thing to note is that in order for you to trade, buy or sell with another player, you must be in the same outpost as that player. Likewise, items placed on the marketplace of a specific outpost will not appear in another outpost. However, because of this, the same item may have distinct prices between different outposts. For example, high level ammunition may be sold at a cheaper price at Precinct 13 or Fort Pastor (the place where they are looted) but at a much higher price at Nastya's Holdout and Dogg's Stockade.

Lastly, due to the limited inventory and storage space, players can also resort to using their marketplace slots as an alternate storage area. To do so, just sell the item at max price.

Meeting Hall
Although it is called the Meeting Hall, it is actually a forum. However, the purpose is still the same. Players often use this forum to meet up with others and organize looting runs and parties. At the same time, this place functions as a center where people ask questions as well as exchange information and tips on how to level.

Just as the name suggests, this place archives the current standings for certain ongoing competitions between players for the title of being the "strongest" or the "richest". For your information, winners of the weekly competitions for "Top Survivor" or "Top Player Killer" will actually get a 24-hour pass to use the Elite Shop which sells certain unique items that cannot otherwise be obtained.


Dead Frontier - Storage
This is the place where players can store the extra stuff which they wish to keep while freeing up their inventory. However, due to the limited amount of free space available (well it is a post-apocalyptic game), each survivor is only given 5 storage slots initially. In order to obtain more room for your stuff, you must purchase more slots. They are bought in 5-slot bundles with the price starting at $25,000 and then increases in 25k increments. Do note that each player can only buy up to the maximum of 40 storage slots.

The Yard

Dead Frontier - The Yard
This is where you go to change the colour of your clothing, master craft or god craft your armour and weapons, rename your equipment or simply scrap any junk in exchange for quick cash (the prices you get are extremely low though).

As you know, weapons and armours in Dead Frontier can be enhanced in such a way that they give the player that has them equipped, a boost in Stats. Items with such enhancements are called Master Crafted (MC for short) or also "God Crafted" by the players if the enhancements are maxed out.

All Weapons can boost up to 3 Stats in the following order:

  • Accuracy
  • Reloading
  • Critical Hit
The boost value can go from 0 (in this case the boost will not be displayed as it is non-existent) to a maximum of 8.

All Armours can boost up to 2 Stats in the following order:

  • Agility
  • Endurance
The boost value can go from 0 (in this case the boost will not be displayed as it is non-existent) to a maximum of 24.

When you use the master craft option, you will need to pay upfront a fee of $15,000 (for weapons) or $30,000 (for armours). Stats will then be randomly applied onto the item. Alternatively, you can pay 250 credits (for weapons) or 500 credits (for armours) and choose to use the god craft option. Using this option will guarantee that you apply the maximum stats applicable onto the item (For Weapons: 8/8/8, For Armours: 24/24).

To Inner City
Click on this to enter into the Inner City.

Previous: Dead Frontier (Part One)Next: Dead Frontier (Part Three)