
Friday, May 11, 2012

Aika: Sniper

Aika - Sniper
Precise, stealthy and fatal, the Sniper's (SEA version) or Rifleman's (NA version) well-aimed bullets pierce through the shadows, penetrating armor and dealing massive critical damage. Specializing in long range artillery support, the Sniper is particularly useful for ambushes as well as sneaking into enemy territories to assassinate or destroy. He excels as a hidden trump for a larger group of fighters, but can also hold his own in the battlefield with his powerful combat skills. Many of his attacks incapacitate enemies or lower their defenses, leaving them vulnerable to assault.

At higher levels, the Sniper gains the ability to shoot AoE shells as well as build fixed turrets which fire automatically, thereby increasing his deadliness. His range, dexterity and talent for picking off weak foes without attracting attention make him a valuable asset to any party.

After much experience in the field of combat and in honing his skills, the Sniper may become the elusive Buster (SEA version) or Sniper (NA version).

Possible Roles: Long-range DPS (Burst), Disabler, Stealth

Sniper Skills
Aika - Neutralizer IconNeutralizer / Elimination (Active • Target: Enemy)
Attempts to remove a buff from the target.
[Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 12 s]
Skill Level1
Required Level1
Mana Cost10

Tier 1
Aika - Countdown IconCountdown (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage on impact and after 3 seconds.
[Cast Time: 1 s • Cooldown: 6 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level14812162024283236404448525660
Physical Damage (on impact)1013172228354251627590107126146169194
Physical Damage (after 3 seconds)516688111138173210253309375451533628729844969
Mana Cost3343577290112137164201244293346408474549630

Aika - Rupture IconRupture / Fatal Flaw (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage and reduces target's physical defense for 20 seconds. [Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 6 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level481216202428323640444852566064
Physical Damage47637998123150181221268322381448520603692778
Physical Defense-57-77-98-121-155-193-233-283-343-413-487-575-685-802-923-1051
Mana Cost3445577088107129157190229271319370429490553

Aika - Hollow Point IconHollow Point / High-Angle Gun (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage to target with a bonus to critical rate applied. [Cast Time: 2 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level6101418222630343842465054586266
Physical Damage154200250313388467567688833992116713711588183420842342
Critical Rate+25+27+29+31+33+35+37+39+41+43+45+47+49+51+53+55
Cooldown (seconds)1211109876
Mana Cost8010413016320224329535843351660771382695410841218

Aika - Leg Shot IconLeg Shot (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage and decreases the target's movement speed. [Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 12 s]
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level8121620242832364044
Physical Damage6581101126153185225273329389
Move Speed-15-18-21-24-27-30-33-36-39-42
Duration (seconds)10111213141516171820
Mana Cost46577188107130158191230272

Aika - Stealth IconStealth / Hiding (Active • Target: Self)
Makes yourself invisible for a certain duration. (Move Speed is affected depending on skill level. Deactivates upon attacking.)
[Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 120 s]
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level10141822263034384246
Duration (seconds)30333639424548515460
Move Speed-20-15-10-50+2+4+6+8+10
Mana Cost2329354351617488104122

Aika - Hawk Eye IconHawk Eye / Najmun (Active • Target: Self)
Increases the physical damage and success rate of all skills with cast time of 1 second or above.
[Cast Time: 1 s • Duration: 600 s • Cooldown: 6 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level12162024283236404448525660646872
Physical Damage (of skills)+57+71+89+109+131+160+194+233+276+325+377+436+498+563+633+712
Success Rate (of skills)+5%+8%+11%+14%+17%+20%+23%+26%+29%+32%+35%+38%+41%+44%+47%+50%
Mana Cost7795117140168202242289338394453520591658732814

Tier 2
Aika - Crimson Bullet IconCrimson Bullet / Cruel Chaser (Active • Target: Enemy)
Poisons the target dealing damage over time and also decreases the effect of heals received.
[Cast Time: 0 s • Duration: 6 s • Cooldown: 6 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level17212529333741454953576165697377
Physical Damage (per second)668198120145176210247292338391446502564635707
Heal Effect-50%-52%-54%-56%-58%-60%-62%-64%-66%-68%-70%-72%-74%-76%-78%-80%
Mana Cost1321621962402903524204945846767828921004112812701414

Aika - Eagle Eye IconEagle Eye / Precision (Active • Target: Self)
Increases hit rate and critical rate for 1 minute.
[Cast Time: 1 s • Duration: 60 s • Cooldown: 120 s]
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level19232731353943475155
Hit Rate+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+15
Critical Rate+3+6+9+12+15+18+21+24+27+30
Mana Cost7490108129155185217253292335

Aika - Concentration IconConcentration (Passive)
Reduces chance of cast interruption and increases hit rate.
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level21252933374145495357
Cast Interruption-20%-32%-44%-52%-60%-68%-76%-84%-92%-100%
Hit Rate+2+4+6+8+10+12+14+16+18+20

Aika - Sharpshooter IconSharpshooter / Critical Power (Passive)
Increases critical hit damage.
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level23273135394347515559
Critical Hit Damage+10%+15%+20%+25%+30%+35%+40%+45%+50%+55%

Aika - Incendiary Round IconIncendiary Round / Detonation (Active • Target: AoE)
Deals physical damage to all enemies within 4 meters of targeted spot and also silences for 3 seconds.
[Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 12 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level25293337414549535761656973778185
Physical Damage18722827733439947155564274484995610731208134414951659
Mana Cost1231501822202623103664224905586297067958859841091

Aika - Ambush IconAmbush / First Encounter (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage and stuns the target for 5 seconds. (Must be in stealth to use.) [Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 60 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level27313539434751555963677175798387
Physical Damage327393476578682803938108612451416159017902005222524752747
Mana Cost106128155188222261305353409460517582652723804893

Tier 3
Aika - Terminate IconTerminate / Closing Target (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals huge physical damage. (Can only be used on targets with HP below 25%.) [Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 3 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level32364044485256606468727680848892
Physical Damage525637767907106812391435163818522083234226222909323435913987
Mana Cost128155187221260302350402452508571639709788875972

Aika - Sonic Blast IconSonic Blast (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage (with a bonus to critical rate applied) to target and enemies within 4 meters of the target and also silences them. (Enemies caught in the straight line between the caster and target is also affected by the skill.) [Cast Time: 3 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level34384246505458626670747882869094
Physical Damage6187498911048123214261651187221042362265829503280364340474497
Critical Rate+25+27+29+31+33+35+37+39+41+43+45+47+49+51+53+55
Silence Duration (seconds)678910
Cooldown (seconds)3029282726252423222120
Mana Cost260315374440517599692786884992111512391378153017001889

Aika - Rifle Smash IconRifle Smash / Vital Spot (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage to target and also puts target under shock. (Target will not be able to do anything. Will break out of shock when damaged, debuffed or healed.) [Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 30 s]
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level36404448525660646872
Physical Damage182219259305354410468529595669
Shock Duration (seconds)6789101112131415
Mana Cost668094111129149169192216243

Aika - Pinpoint Weakness IconPinpoint Weakness / Mark of Pursuer (Active • Target: Enemy)
Reduces target's dodge rate and critical resistance. Also raises the threshold of using Terminate on the target. (Can only be used on a single target at a time.) [Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 6 s]
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level38424650545862667074
Dodge Rate-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-25
Critical Resistance-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-25
Terminate's Threshold+10%+12%+14%+16%+18%+20%+22%+23%+24%+25%
Duration (seconds)12141618202224262830
Mana Cost57688094109126143161180203

Aika - Deploy Turret IconDeploy Turret / X-14 Demolition (Active • Target: AoE)
Summons an automated turret that fires at enemies within range automatically. [Cast Time: 3 s • Cooldown: 120 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level40444852566064687276808488929699
Turret Level40444852566064687276808488929699
Duration (seconds)40424446485052545660
Mana Cost36242249356665073982291410181126123713591493164018011931

Aika - Headshot IconHeadshot / Blow Back (Active • Target: Enemy)
Snipes the target to deal massive physical damage with a bonus to critical rate applied. [Cast Time: 5 s • Cooldown: 90 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213141516
Required Level40444852566064687276808488929699
Physical Damage1409166519622277263730153407383043074815534659406597726379928802
Critical Rate+50+52+54+56+58+60+62+64+66+68+70+72+74+76+78+80
Mana Cost611722851987114313131476166018662087231725742859317535263815

Tier 4
Aika - Knockout Shot IconKnockout Shot / Stun Blitz (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage to target and stuns for 3 seconds.
[Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 20 s]
Skill Level12345678910111213
Required Level51555963677175798387919599
Physical Damage5125936867738679771094121413501499166518482054
Caelium/Facion Required (pieces)1234567
Mana Cost2663083534024515085696317027798669611068

Aika - Ultimatum IconUltimatum (Passive)
Inflicts additional physical damage to targets with HP below 25%. Also increases move speed.
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level55596367717579838791
Physical Damage+100+150+200+250+300+350+400+450+500+550
Move Speed+2

Aika - Predator IconPredator / Sniping Stance (Active • Target: Self)
Enters a stealth-like mode that allows attacks to be performed but move speed is heavily penalized. Also resets stealth cooldown. (Will deactivate when caster suffers damage.)
[Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 120 s]
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level59636771757983879195
Duration (seconds)20222426283032343640
Move Speed-50
Caelium/Facion Required (pieces)34567
Mana Cost1150128214261586175919322124233425622813

Aika - Spot Weakness IconSpot Weakness / Defect Vision (Active • Target: Self)
Allows attack skills to hit with 100% probability for several attacks.
[Cast Time: 1 s • Duration: 120 s • Cooldown: 120 s]
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level61656973778185899397
No. of Attacks234567891012
Caelium/Facion Required (pieces)45678
Mana Cost404450501557614675741814894982

Aika - Roll With It IconRoll With It / Fatal Guard (Passive)
Increases critical and double attack resistance.
Skill Level12345678910
Required Level65697377818589939799
Critical Resistance+3+6+9+12+15+18+21+24+27+30
Double Attack Resistance+3+6+9+12+15+18+21+24+27+30

Aika - Go Postal IconGo Postal / Phantom Buster (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage (with a bonus to critical rate applied) to target and enemies within 4 meters of target. Also adds a debuff whereby every hit will deal additional damage.
[Cast Time: 3 s • Cooldown: 120 s]
Skill Level123456789
Required Level697377818589939799
Physical Damage257528983226358739824423491054565750
Additional Damage (upon being hit)+153+172+192+213+237+263+292+324+342
Debuff Duration (seconds)121314151617181920
Critical Rate+25+27+29+31+33+35+37+39+41
Caelium/Facion Required (pieces)678910
Mana Cost100411301258139915531725191521282243

Tier 5
Aika - Bloodlust IconBloodlust / Killing Inspire (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals physical damage to target and converts a portion of the damage into own HP. (If the target is killed as a result of this skill, the caster will recover additional HP.) [Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 20 s]
Skill Level12345678
Required Level7175798387919599
Physical Damage13021458161818001998222024642738
HP Recovered (of damage value)80%85%90%95%100%105%110%120%
Additional HP Recovered (if target is killed)25% of Max HP30% of Max HP35% of Max HP40% of Max HP45% of Max HP50% of Max HP55% of Max HP60% of Max HP
Caelium/Facion Required (pieces)78910
Mana Cost6777588419361039115412811424

Aika - Death Knell IconDeath Knell (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals massive physical damage to target. (If the target is an elite monster, there is a certain probability that it will be killed instantly. If the target is a player, there is a certain probability to deal double damage.) [Cast Time: 1 s • Cooldown: 30 s]
Skill Level1234567
Required Level75798387919599
Physical Damage2552283231503497388543124792
Instant Kill Probability39%45%51%57%63%69%75%
Double Damage Probability26%30%34%38%42%46%50%
Caelium/Facion Required (pieces)891011
Mana Cost1327147316381818202022422492

Aika - Ghost Stance IconGhost Stance (Active • Target: Enemy)
Deals massive physical damage to target and enters into ghost mode (another stealth-like mode that allows attacks to be performed). During ghost mode, move speed increases. (Will deactivate when caster suffers damage.) [Cast Time: 0 s • Cooldown: 60 s]
Skill Level123456
Required Level798387919599
Physical Damage222524752747305333883765
Ghost Mode Duration (seconds)6
Move Speed+10
Caelium/Facion Required (pieces)91011
Mana Cost115712871428158817621958


  1. Found a video of a player using the skill Sonic Blast. It appears in the video at around 0:31.

  2. Found a video of a player using the skill Go Postal / Phantom Buster. It appears in the video at around 0:22 and 3:11.
