
Monday, March 19, 2012

Call of Thrones: Points of Interest by City (Level 41 to Level 45)

Deeprock (Level 41)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTree StumpUncommon Tree Stump
Ancient Timber
Iron Fir
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Crystal MineUncommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
ShrubsUncommon Herb Shrub
Elusive Grass
Star Lotus
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Palladium Ore
3000 Brass Ore
West CityUdiarArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
FaramondCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
UinennaCity Guard Captain
RiellelnarTavern Owner
Inner CityAsietChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
BariarSupport Skills Trainer
RialaWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
UhyWandering Alchemist
Lady WanWarehouse Management
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady LeeFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityYanoaGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
DellarnonMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
EldenWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
FoneaInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 31
Old MineMythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Uranium Ore
Mythril Ore
Outdoor Bear CaveWild Bear Cave
* Could not see *
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass

Bushtown (Level 42)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsMilitary EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Suburban StockadeRice Bandit Camp
* Could not see *
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 33
Tree StumpUncommon Tree Stump
Ancient Timber
Iron Fir
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Old MineMythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Uranium Ore
Mythril Ore
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Elusive Grass
3000 Magic Mushroom
West CitySvarelArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
TlitlinCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
TrystalCity Guard Captain
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Inner CityUinoChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Lady WuFestival Ambassador
AlletSupport Skills Trainer
AnarrisWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
EnakarWandering Alchemist
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
BynailWeapons Merchant
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityEafeiTavern Owner
DyadirWarehouse Management
FelixInscription Merchant
LeopolaGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
CutavMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
East OutskirtsOuter City CaveWild Bear Cave
* Could not see *
Tree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
MinePure Titanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Adamantium Ore
ShrubsUncommon Herb Shrub
Elusive Grass
Star Lotus
Crystal MineRare Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard

Cavernglen (Level 43)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTree StumpUncommon Tree Stump
Ancient Timber
Iron Fir
Crystal MineUncommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
Old MinePure Mythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Mythril Ore
Pure Mythril Ore
Outer City StockadesWestern Soldier Camp
* Could not see *
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Titanium Ore
3000 Pure Iron Ore
West CityEolisArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
EssanCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
WerasCity Guard Captain
Inner CityFurarChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
IagSupport Skills Trainer
IatiWeapon Skills Trainer
LydauWandering Alchemist
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
NaelosWeapons Merchant
Beast MasterPet/Mount Training
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady LeeFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityOindarGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
OuleiMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
PhaburTavern Owner
Lady LeonWarehouse Management
Dry WellDry Well
RaseacInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Wild CaveDry Stone Cave
* Could not see *
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 34
ShrubsUncommon Herb Shrub
Elusive Grass
Star Lotus
Crystal MineRare Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard

Greyston (Level 44)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTree StumpUncommon Tree Stump
Ancient Timber
Iron Fir
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
MineTitanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Titanium Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Old MineMythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Uranium Ore
Mythril Ore
Outer City StockadesGrandmaster Cancer Camp
* Could not see *
ShrubsUncommon Herb Shrub
Elusive Grass
Star Lotus
Border TabletDaily Output
5000 Copper Ore
3000 Bronze Ore
West CityPaekuiArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
IdeidCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
AllarniCity Guard Captain
CrendaraWandering Alchemist
Inner CityLyacasChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
TeroiSupport Skills Trainer
EiliolWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
Lady JinWarehouse Management
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady SunFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityNupaGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
SiolaeMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
CylliriTavern Owner
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
BrensleyWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
EasiInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
MinePure Titanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Adamantium Ore
Old MineUranium Mine
Crushed Ore
Cuprite Ore
Uranium Ore
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 32
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Crystal MineRare Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard

Oakhaven (Level 45)
LocationNameAdditional Info
West OutskirtsTree StumpRare Tree Stump
Iron Fir
Fir Wood
MinePure Titanium Mine
Crushed Ore
Pure Titanium Ore
Adamantium Ore
Outer City CaveDemon Wolf Cave
* Could not see *
Outer City StockadesGeneral Edrali Camp
* Could not see *
Military EnvoyMilitary Envoy
Tomb InscriptionsProverb Stone No. 35
ShrubsRare Herb Shrub
White Snake Grass
Mandrake Root
Cloud Grass
Border TabletDaily Output
3000 Star Lotus
3000 Ginseng
West CityEfinArmour Merchant
Armour ForgeArmour Production
EoniferCity Guard
Bulletin BoardCity Bulletin Board
FiomariCity Guard Captain
Inner CityGrajosChief Magistrate
Proclamation BoardProclamation Board
StewardGuild Manager
IdasSupport Skills Trainer
IodasseWeapon Skills Trainer
LeelockTrade Skills Instructor
LaebrWandering Alchemist
Lady BeeWarehouse Management
Fruit GeneralEvents Ambassador
Wishing WellUse Goddess Tears for chance to receive valuable items
Lady ChenFestival Ambassador
Pets Mounts and DiamondsTopup Voucher Trader
East CityLysaedGemstone Merchant
Gemstone Crafting TableGem Accessory Crafting
MilusMedicine Merchant
Alchemy FurnaceMedicine Production
MoreirTavern Owner
Weapon ForgeWeapon Production
OalnorWeapons Merchant
Dry WellDry Well
OusisseInscription Merchant
East OutskirtsTree StumpUncommon Tree Stump
Ancient Timber
Iron Fir
Old MinePure Mythril Mine
Crushed Ore
Mythril Ore
Pure Mythril Ore
Outer City StockadesTiger Warrior Camp
* Could not see *
Crystal MineUncommon Crystal Mine
Flower Pebble
Gemstone Shard
Outer City CaveUntamed Rocky Forest
* Could not see *
ShrubsUncommon Herb Shrub
Elusive Grass
Star Lotus